Friday, November 07, 2014

Zumba at Liciada!

Congratulations to Liciada Zumba Group for their successful event
 " Zumba for a Cause"

with the Liciada Zumba Group members

With the number of participants who attended last night
I think you were able to raise funds to help build the parish church.

paricipants last night
Our SNH Group participated in the said event.  Its also a bonding time among the hospital staff.
It has been a year since the group started and we're still thriving.

SNH Zumba Group

I must say that it feels great to dance and sweat it all out especially with the enthusiatic crowd last night.
Of course...Zin Bernie & Zin Amie were at their outmost energy to lead the crowd.

Kudos to the Liciada Zumba Group for this admirable cause!

This is my second zumba post. The link below will bring you to my first post.

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