Friday, November 28, 2014

FAT to FIT (Mayor Arnel's Transformation)

This "WAS" the picture of my brother 4 years ago before he started running.

He was already our town mayor then, year 2010.

I'm not sure if he will summon me to his office for showing this "fatso" pictures on my blog.

But what's more important is his transformation.

Fast forward to 2014.

This is how he looks now….

 The dashing Mayor of Bustos…

Despite his busy schedule he makes sure to run 3x a week with his running buddies…the AM runners.

Its not too late for a complete makeover...          
If you want to be healthy, active and good looking like our mayor…

Join us on our "run" slated on Sunday November 30…

Let's all embrace a healthy lifestyle!

"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body,
the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."
                                                                       -Anthony Robbins

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