Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cervix at risk!

Since I am a health provider and becoming more  health conscious at that I'd like to share some medical innovations worth knowing in this time.

Did you know that Breast Cancer is the no 1 cause of cancer among women?
And there's no cure for cancer.

And did you know that Cervical Cancer is the no 2 most common cause of cancer among women?

Cervix is that lower part of the uterus which dilates during labor and is a very potential site for infection mainly fr human papillomavirus (HPV) which is the primary culprit in cervical cancer.

and there's no cure for that either....

There a vaccine that once given to a woman will help prevent her from getting cervical cancer.
Isnt it great?
Years ago, I  felt sorry for patients Ive seen who were diagnosed with Cervical cancer.  If only there was a vaccine before.

To all women out there please dont let this opportunity pass.
It is only given three times by injection, much like the vaccine of your kids. It is given by intramascular injection thrice which gives lifetime protection.

Good news, they're affordable now.
Ask your Gyne about it.

It is really a wise investment for your health and a MUST!

Monday, September 26, 2011


like old oaks, or, as we get  inevitably 'older' , we should make our roots stronger.
truly, our roots will be our foundation in the future!

 yes, we still have a 'tomorrow'.
the fact is, at 45, we're in the limbo of our life where we should have, at least, realized our dreams AND at the same time, we visualize how we should live in the next stage of our life...thus i  consider my roots as my basis for realization...

 My  roots ...
.... make me stay is a particular place. My FAMILY, my  JOB, my SCHOOL, my FRIENDS .they primarily are the roots that make me decide to stay in this place .

as i dont want to shake its  foundation  and eventually  be uprooted, i guard it with utmost care ...with all my heart.

but there are times that  i feel like my life is getting monotonous , it seems that it has always been the same everyday ...thats when i feel so vulnerable.

thats when i feel that i like to uproot myself and grow in a different direction.

i just divert and look for other things that would ease the boredom somehow.
be it a retail therapy or change of scenery or a renewal of ties with an old friend.
...and of course a deeper faith.


but somehow it has always been my family that i get the support and affirmation  i needed.
a sweet hug from my husband,

 planted kisses on the cheeks from my kids,

a  warm family dinner.
my family is the root that keeps me firmly planted on the ground.

indeed, what makes my trunk big and strong...what makes my leaves greeener ...what makes me bloom into   a lovely flowers and  bear heaps of fruits ... its all because of my ROOTS.