Friday, September 07, 2012

rainy days

"Rain rain go away come again another day
Little children wants to play"

I always remeber this rhyme whenever I hear the hush of rain.

Though I  really love sunny days...
a rainy experience is something Id like to remember as years go by.

This is the front of our old house where I spent my childhood days
and this is how it looked during rainy days.

This afternoon as heavy rain fell in my parents home
It felt wonderful that my niece n nephews also played in the rain.

Gone were the days we used to ran and shower through the rain..
But its really a circle of life as our children enjoy what we once had fun doing.

Antique lovers

they say that as wine gets older the better they taste..
i think its the same with antique..
the older they get the more valuable they become.

eversince i was a kid i witnessed how my mom appreciated
anything antique from a flat iron to "baul"
i saw how our  house was being  slowly filled with 
antiques...from beds to cabinets, silverwares and even huge stones 
like kabiawan
that adorned our garden for years.

im so fascinated at how old things can be and yet still very usable
and every item say a history about its origin.
every  collectors knew when the item was once popular in a certain era.

some people love modern things but our family are into antiques...
maybe its in the blood. or maybe as one gets older you appreciate finer things in life.

my eldest brother mayor arnel has notable collections that going inside his house feels like transporting you to the spanish era. 
i wonder if a famous piano player onced used their piano
or a popular artist slept in their curtained bed.

antiques had been so popular that many dealers did some reproduction
but i prefer the original.
their artistry and fine craftmanship and of course durability and history that accompanies 
the item made it a prized possesion.

 though im not a serious collector  i also kept some at home esp those from my mothers  ancestral house. i just love to acquire pieces that would accent our house.

just like antiques...i hope people aged gracefully.
there is wisdom in aging as there is nostalgia in old things.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Green Mine been absent in my blogging...and my " fun runs" on weekends
because im preoccupied with another hobby...

when i was a child my mom introduced us to this world..
but its only now that i also realized we do share the same passion.

mama n papa w her favorite "cattleya"

since im a morning up early even before the sun rises...
i still run but most of my free time is spent on tending to my new hobby.

i started on planting korean grass on my lawn...

and when i saw them grow i felt satisfied that i added more.
and now ..they keep my garden green and delightful.

but then again im hooked to this intriguing ornamental plants esp bromeliads and started propagating
them by myself.

planting gives me a certain kind of satisfaction ...

it gives me a special delight esp when morning comes and be amazed by
 a "new sprout!"

its also a special "me" time as i take care of my plants quietly 
and they turn more green as i water them everyday.

maybe i have a green thumb because my plants are growing well.
i keep them from pest and make sure they sure they get enough sunlight.

just like my kids ...nurturing them need a lot of patience 
the more i give them my time and effort
the better they grow !

there's really a treasure to mine in planting these greens!