Friday, January 17, 2014


one of my favorite activities during the minasa festival is the zumba contest.

participants were from the differrent zumba clubs of our town.

 i was surprised at their number...ten groups! and they came in their best attire and ready to win !

zumba is the latest craze that hit our country...from the young to the young once.

 it is a combination of aerobics and latin dance that originated from Columbia...from mambo, soca, samba, salsa, merengue, hip hop, belly dancing, tango and even martial arts.

 at first i was curious about the buzz it created to our hospital staff.

 i must admit i have " two left feet" but after watching them i decided to give it a try. i realized that it's fun and effective workout using slow and fast rhythms, basically watch and follow and not complicated.

i love the music and its like reliving the 80's when i was young.

 since then i got hooked.
 it is something i look forward to every mon-wed and fri!

 just like running with all the sweating and aches gives an unusual high and feel good hormones after every workout.

 congratulations to all the participants and winning group-"the barkads" with their coach Violy.

for me you're all a winner because the reward to a good health is priceless!

be careful not to try it because once started you would not stop.

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