Friday, March 18, 2016 of flowers

While most tourist troop to Chatuchak market on weekends
I together with my mom and sisters went on a weekday.

JJ market as it is commonly known  opens at midnight of tuesday till thursday
  to sell all sorts of plants.

We were there to scout for her favorite cacti and succulents
while i roam around to look for variegated and rare plants.

It was indeed a huge visual feast as i pass by rows of all sorts of plants
...from the flowery bougainvillea to the big trees.

...from the thorny cacti to the rare cycads ...

my mom on her scooter went to the site not once...not twice but trice in a row..

my sisters and i obligingly submitted to her whims.

the plant traders were lucky enough to have her.

i could feel the excitement of my mom as she chooses from  one cactus to another.

she was like a kid with a new toy.

but they were so thorny that i hurt my fingers as i pack them one by one to bring home.

my mom, my sister and i have at least a common denominator...
having the same fetish on plants. we're green-minded.

it was indeed a fruitful este flowerful bangkok trip.

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