Saturday, October 03, 2015

25/50 UST Medicine 1991

excerpts from my husbands write up on his  25 years as a doctor


I still have postpartum dreams of my dystoxic medical student's life. I promised myself not anyone of my kids would suffer the same precipitous and hemorrhagic experience. 

....But that was  25 years ago..( i still have the nightmares!) and realized that those were just labor pains,

to give birth to a life  of fullfilment not only for myself and my family , but to be given the power as Gods instrument in safely bringing life into this world. 

It wasnt my plan, it was Gods.

I never regret being a doctor ( much more being part of ust med class 91) , 

Long live batch 91! Remember, we're alredy 50 right?
                               Hopefully,   we still have 50 left!

We're not getting OLD...we're getting GOLD!

Merry silver anniversary and a happy golden year!!


I have no grad.picture in our yearbook .we were very toxic that time in our medicine rotation.Now's my time!...
My wife's an OB too. Ironically , my eldest son and my only daughter are in UST BS Bio..hopefully, my youngest son will follow…

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