Thursday, February 06, 2014

All Girls Affair in Hong Kong

i think i have inherited my love for travel from my mom.
i have felt  my moms excitement the moment  i told her we were already booked for hong kong along with my three sisters.

maria's of mama

this is a rare chance to be with all the girls..

more often we were always tied up with work and kids.
but i think we deserve a break too...
away from work, life and daily routines.

though mama has a problem on mobility we decided
to buy her  a portable scooter .

despite the hassle of getting a cab  and
not seeing each other on a designated time...

travelling together and having a good laugh about anything is just awesome.

I am so grateful for giving us a chance to travel with her.

...strolling along the magnificent parts of hong kong.

stanley park

...sharing our love  for shopping...

with rio at the night market

and  passion for plants.

flower fair at victoria park
I have realized the passing of generations...
Though our roles have reversed as we are now attending to her needs
i think this is one rare chance to "pay" back for all the sacrifices
she has done when we were young.

these are moments they say some people wait a lifetime...
that we're so blessed spending time with mama.

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