Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My First Marathon!

Like everyone who has run a marathon I have a story to tell.

I started running 2 years ago. like a typical runner i started with numerous 5 k run then 10 k then half mary. then i wanted more.

actually this is my second time to register in a marathon.
i first registered at Paris Marathon 2012. i thought of something far and paris !

 while on training i suffered plantar fasciitis. i felt i was not prepared  so i deferred my plan in running that event.

my confirmation letter with bib number..

i realized that no one can do the training for me. i lacked the commitment of time  for such an event. it is not done out of whim. one cannot buy a marathon, not with a swipe of credit card or cash  but only with proper preparation. 

then came the bull runner marathon. luckily i was accepted as participant.
somehow i managed in doing the training given by the team. i was even able to join the drills twice.

anything worth ones time and effort cannot be achieve in just a snap of  finger.
there were times that id like to quit esp when hospital toxic works get into my way.

but as soon as i wake up every morning tying my shoelace became a routine.

i felt like a student again when i trained for the marathon. any missed day training is like cramming for an exam.
i had so many doubts and fears prior to the race. ive read a dozen of running books and magazines to
to keep me confident .

..but before i sleep theres still a nagging question if i can survive and finish the race. even in my dreams they do appear!

then race day came.
i was at the starting line. everyone was so excited and nervous.

the inevitable happened during the first kilometer. i suddenly experienced throbbing  pain on my shinbone  esp on the left leg . i told myself it would go away after one or two kms just like before. however the pain persisted. so many things ran inside my head. doubts recurred.  maybe i was not  ready to run this distance after all...there is really no easy, risk- free way to run a marathon..anything can happen on the race day.

 i felt tightness on my legs and feet. no way i can go on running nor walking in this situation.
i panicked. i was crying inside. i was walking at 9:30min/km. 

when i had an opportunity, i changed my shoes and wore a calf compression.  most runners were on their way back downhill while i was just walking uphill. i heard someone said we're on the tail end of runners.     i just walked and walked.... until i felt no pain. i sighed with relief!

it was at 8km that i really started running. i maintained my 8mins/km goal.
running in the dark and unfamiliar place proved helpful to me. it made the race exciting.
to pass away time i even conversed with some runners and we were laughing at what we were doing at those early hours in the morning.

i said hi to new friends whom i met during the training. 
i even befriended a  paralympian named isidro who was the cover of frontrunner magazine last month.
he was pacing a woman.  lucky lady!

i saw actress maricel laxa running with husband as sweet could that be!
i was even talking to myself...convincing myself that i can make it.

finally at km 36 i nailed it. i said i can finish this marathon.

and after few more "freakin" 6 kms i made it....6 hours and 1min fr my garmin!

yes...its really true that first marathon  is like a first love!
though i grumbled ... but i'll never forget it.

and just like ones love ...with its flaws and'll never get over it.

thanks to my ever supportive husband!

i'm sure after the recovery period my affair with running a marathon continues.



  1. Congratulations batchmate! :)

  2. thanks to you ms sandi. ive been reading your blog esp the lecture series of TBR . congrats n see u in our future runs!
