Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Journey to New York Marathon 2015

Since 2012, I have  been trying my luck to the lottery of the New York Marathon ...and that's annually!...until finally this year, America granted me the 'squeak ' and was chosen among  the hundreds of thousands of hopefuls this year. whew!!!

When i got through with my first Bullrunner marathon three years ago, i never thought of a second nor a third was for that time being...

...because of the lure of running in the five boroughs of New York  city along with the humongous , avid, mile- hungry  50,000 runners from around the globe ...definitely, it's a choice!!

For 18 weeks, this event was and is my LIFE! lived, breathed, and trained exasperately  to achieve a fighting level ..   I used the new york road runners virtual training program.
My neurons were focused solely ( yes, my soles included?) into running, racing , pacing, and mileage counting to conquer the 42 kms.

The discipline and determination ( esp. on waking up so early at dawn) I gained was unsurmountably  a great holistic achievement not only physically but to my entire being.

I get that 'high' when i run outside , 
It gives me countless freedom , floating hours to think and reflect away from my ob works! Sometimes bright ideas would just pop in my mind while running.
There were so many things to expect and watch out for especially the moving vehicles and unpredictable azcals (street dogs) !

To avoid getting bored I schedule my long runs in places Id never been. It also gives me the opportunity to have some pictures taken at some scenic spots we pass along the way.

 One great thing  though about running is that once I did run for more than 60 mins I am flooded with "feel good hormones"that  help me through the next several miles.

My driver  Christian became my running cum photographer buddy . It feels safe to run with him especially in unfamiliar places.

After training for 18 weeks  and did  4 half marathon n one full mary (39 km long run) I knew I was ready for the marathon.

 I have this confidence that the sweeper bus would not ' sweep' me away.?!

4 half mary & one full mary in 18 weeks!

 But still I'm nervous about what it would be like especially the very cold and windy weather of New York, for which I am not accustomed with..

Im now at my tapering period and in ten days  I'll be running the greatest marathon challenge of my life..

As in any other tasks I have done , I always think of what Ophrah Winfrey said about running... "Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."

my supportive family

I firmly believe I can be there at the finish line no matter what..
It would only be the line that would be finished, but my passion will go on and move on!!

I will conquer the New York Marathons !

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