Friday, December 06, 2013

18th Angkor Wat International Half Marathon (Siem Reap Cambodia)

cool early december morning breeze and breaking dawn at angkor wat presented the perfect mood for a run that signalled the start of half marathon.

i was one of the 7579 participants from about 75 countries.

it was a very festive morning at the gun start.

children lined up along the street to give hi five and cheer the runners for that needed energy boost .

it was an incredible scene as i passed by one temple to another. . i couldnt help but take some photos instead of running faster .

time passed by so quickly as i was busy admiring the facade of each temple which was so amazing and impressive

...the gigantic green trees accentuate the very serene path and before i knew it i was at 16 km marker already

i passed by more temples that made me wonder how could
the ancient people build such a grand and magnificent place.

and im startled at how so many tourists i met along the way.

greeters and spectators were cheering us as we run towards the finish line.

felt lucky that i had a photo op with the fastest runner.

japanese amateur runner minora onozuka and vivian tang from singapore won  in the men and womens 21k event respectively. but am proud to say that in womens category a filipina named janet agura placed second.

it was really an unforgettable experience having been able to participate in this charity event.
with my spectator...daughter nica

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