Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Takbolusyon 3 and AM Runners

Theres no stopping as our town will hold its third Running event aptly named Takbolusyon3.

Running has become an "in thing" here spearheaded by my brother mayor.

Mayor Arnel w running buddy Cong. Sherwin Tugna
A running group was formed that ran regularly thrice  a week .

Camaraderie and brotherhood were established among the members.

An exhausting morning run is usually ended by a hearty breakfast.

We even joined big running events in Manila like Condura Run, Run United and Milo marathon.


Hence this running event is something everyone  looks forward to.
This time we will cover a longer distance of 16K.

21K runners
But we also have shorter distance level like 10, 5 and 3 K.
And we have invited runners from our neighboring town.

after a 26K run ..from Bustos to Divine Mercy in Marilao
Running releases "feel good" hormones enough to sustain energy throughout the day.
Your Minds think clearly and your body healthy .
See you on November 30!

Kudos to Bustosenyos Runners!

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