Saturday, August 10, 2013

Like mother like daughter

If there's one thing that I look forward every Sunday then it has to be a date with my mom.
I have to forgo my early morning  run to be with her at our newly discovered place.

Our weekend is not complete without a visit to Sidcor market in Quezon City .
Its a day market that sells all kinds of stuff from wet to dry goods but our favorite area is 
the "plant" section where they offer different variety from ornamental plants
to fruit bearing pots and organic composts.

We go there early in the morning so as to catch the "early worm..."
rather "best choices"...
My mom is a plant lover all her life and now i am also a plant enthusiast like he

Together we find delight in looking at the beauty and uniqueness of each plant.
we choose, haggle and buy plants that catch our fancy.

our day  is capped with our favorite breakfast of lugaw with tokwa't baboy, guinatan and 
inengs barbeque with rice.  then we shop for more plants till the heat of the sun reminds us that its time to go home.

i think my mom is getting healthier and she has something to look forward to every weekend  and she's enjoying every minute of our time there.

with Tito Odie n Tita Nora "our new recruit"
and i feel the same. its a great way for me to destress from our busy lives.

just looking  at the plants calms my senses and clears my mind.

it's also  wonderful  to have a special time with my mother.
getting to do the things we both like  is one of life's blessing.

our loot for the day!

though i am a mother myself but being with her makes me feel special  and young 
i'll forever be her daughter!

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