Wednesday, May 15, 2013


for the past years in the local elections
our family had been
the frontrunner in our towns electorate.
our father was a three term mayor

then our eldest brother succeded him.

but we also had a taste of loses in our bid
and  some of my siblings including myself swore then that we will never dip into politics again.
ironically,  because of kuya's strong perspicacity, (for which i salute him) during election time...
we always ended up supporting him.

as i always remember what our father used to tell us...
politics is something that is very easy to get into but harder to get out.
it could be genetic if i may justify.

i think our family is inclined to public service.
being a doctor my life has been about service to the people
and there is inner joy and fulfillment
in rendering help to our fellowmen.

.....more so if one becomes a town mayor...
.... being able to serve as such  entails a lot of hard work and sacrifice.
and again for that i take my hat off to my brother.
he believes, like what "spiderman" said.."with great power comes great responsibility".

i was quite mushy and emotional when i saw him at the tomb of our father at the first day of the campaign period.

maybe he was asking for papas guidance and blessing.
deeply  a devout christian  since he was a seminarian during high school and college,
he puts religion first in his daily task.

i  think our father would be proudest if he were still alive today
being able to maintain our name in lofty dignity
my brother is living the legacy he once planted.

and now the die has been cast and the ballots showed off the truth
and he won unanimously...
id like to congratulate you my dear brother.

2013 Election Proclamation

being  given the chance  to serve the people in our town  is such a special privelege,
a gift and a calling....
with Vice Pres Jejomar Binay
may you fulfill the works that other politicians just promised.
be very cautious and yet sensitive to the needs of your constituents,
be strong and yet  kindhearted esp. to those lowly ones.
make a difference but always share the same stance with your people.

make a change but always remain humble
and most of all, stand firmly in every decision you make for the greater glory of God.

congratulations kuya mayor arnel mendoza!

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