Sunday, December 16, 2012

Awarded, Rewarded

Yesterday I attended the St. Mary's College of Baliwag Grand Reunion and Awards Night.

I was chosen as one of the 100 Alumni  Achievers  in celebration of our school's Centennial anniversary.

It feels ecstatic to be back to a place which  was once a big part of my life.
It was also good seeing schoolmates and teachers I have'nt seen since I graduated.

our Elementary teachers..

Everyone was so happy cheering loudly as our former teachers sang onstage.

Our school had emerged from a humble 3- storey building to a  one colossal campus.. with a newly built 5 high edifice equipped with an imperial auditorium and an elevator!! far different from what we had 30 years ago.

 though faces were not familiar anymore , the warmth of their welcome  smile were enough  to make me feel like home once more.

who could forget Ms Herminia Demetrio, ( yes..still a 'miss') our Grade 6 adviser?she served for 42 years of unending and passionate teaching to her students..

it was a nostalgic night esp when we sang the school hymn...everyone was misty eyed.
forever i will be grateful to all the teachers and the RVM sisters.

with my favorite HS teacher Mrs Myrna Bondad
and best friend Maris Lazo 

Congratulations to my Alma Mater on her 100 years!!!

Elem batch 79  friends Maris, Malou and co-awardee Judge Maryann Manalac

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